Delve into the chilling world of “Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy”, a comprehensive documentary that explores the iconic Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. This two-disc DVD set not only offers an in-depth look at the movies that have terrorized audiences but also features a special bonus: a signed copy by actress Heather Lagenkamp, adding a personal touch to your horror memorabilia. The set is presented in NTSC video format with English language audio, ensuring a quality viewing experience. Directed by Andrew Kasch and Daniel Farrands, this documentary is a must-have for enthusiasts of the horror genre, offering a deep dive into the creations of 1428 Films. Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to the series, this DVD set is a worthy addition to your collection. SIGNED POSTER BY HEATHER LAGENKAMP WHO PLAYED NANCY IN THE FIRST ELM STREET. Make sure you check out the photos for condition.