
Freddy Krueger 8×10 Original Painting Airbrush Horror Nightmare Elm Street

Freddy Krueger 8x10 Original Painting Airbrush Horror Nightmare Elm Street
Freddy Krueger 8x10 Original Painting Airbrush Horror Nightmare Elm Street
Freddy Krueger 8x10 Original Painting Airbrush Horror Nightmare Elm Street
Freddy Krueger 8x10 Original Painting Airbrush Horror Nightmare Elm Street
Freddy Krueger 8x10 Original Painting Airbrush Horror Nightmare Elm Street
Freddy Krueger 8x10 Original Painting Airbrush Horror Nightmare Elm Street
Freddy Krueger 8x10 Original Painting Airbrush Horror Nightmare Elm Street

Freddy Krueger 8x10 Original Painting Airbrush Horror Nightmare Elm Street
Freddy Krueger – 8×10 Original Painting. Freddy’s comin’ for you! – created in airbrush & paintbrush on 1/4 inch thick MDF board. Easily installs into any standard 8×10 frame. Arrives in a protective clear sleeve. Various prints and other reproductions may become available at a later time, but this is the one and only original! A certificate of authenticity is included with this unique original painting. Packaged with care for safe arrival. You are now invited to submit your offer to acquire this unique original piece!
Freddy Krueger 8x10 Original Painting Airbrush Horror Nightmare Elm Street

Nightmare On Elm Street 2 Original Movie Poster 1985

Nightmare On Elm Street 2 Original Movie Poster 1985
Nightmare On Elm Street 2 Original Movie Poster 1985
Nightmare On Elm Street 2 Original Movie Poster 1985
Nightmare On Elm Street 2 Original Movie Poster 1985
Nightmare On Elm Street 2 Original Movie Poster 1985
Nightmare On Elm Street 2 Original Movie Poster 1985

Nightmare On Elm Street 2 Original Movie Poster 1985
NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 2 1sh 1985 Matthew Peak art of Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger! Folded One-Sheet Movie Poster (1sh; measures 27″ x 41″ [69 x 104 cm]). A Nightmare on Elm Street II: Freddy’s Revenge, the 1985 Jack Sholder dream-killer slasher horror thriller sequel The Man of Your Dreams is Back. “; “written by David Chaskin starring Mark Patton, Kim Myers, Robert Rusler, Clu Gulager. Billed as Special Appearances by Clu Gulager. (“as Freddy Krueger”) Artist. There is a large tear at upper center that extends into the skeletal face at upper right (repaired with tape from the back, and it is thin and not very noticeable or distracting from a reasonable viewing distance – see our image). The poster was folded in half an extra time resulting in a light vertical foldline at left and right. There are pinholes around the edges and there are light creases scattered in various areas. After linenbacking it should display well.
Nightmare On Elm Street 2 Original Movie Poster 1985

A Nightmare On Elm Street 1986 Movie Japan Original Promo Poster B2 20x28in

A Nightmare On Elm Street 1986 Movie Japan Original Promo Poster B2 20x28in

A Nightmare On Elm Street 1986 Movie Japan Original Promo Poster B2 20x28in
About Condition Rank? There is little damage or feel of use. No noticeable scratches or stains. It feels used and has some damage. It feels used and has a lot of damage. Condition Comment? This is a used item, not dead stock, so please be aware of this before purchasing. It has been used in stores or private homes. There are minor wrinkles around the edges. There are some creases from long-term storage. There are storage stains on the back. About this Item? A promotional poster created by the distributor for the film’s theatrical release in Japan in 1986. Details of the film. Year of production: 1984. A Nightmare on Elm Street. Strange events begin to occur to a group of high school students, including Nancy. A terrifying figure with sharp metal claws appears in their dreams, threatening them. Soon, one of their friends, Tina, is brutally murdered. As the nightmare starts to bleed into reality, Nancy finds herself physically harmed by the dream entity. As the murders continue, Nancy uncovers the secret behind the killer, Freddy, and resolves to confront him. This iconic horror series, which depicts the terrifying killer who haunts both dreams and reality, became a massive hit. This is the first installment in the series. In reality, the package is progressing, but due to these system issues, the status does not change. The rolled poster is placed in an OPP bag. The sides of the rolled poster are protected with cushioning material to prevent wrinkles or damage. The poster is placed in a sturdy cardboard tube. While the standard tube thickness is 1mm, we use tubes that are 2mm thick. Square cardboard boxes can be crushed when stacked or mishandled by couriers, but the cardboard tube we use ensures proper protection. For valuable or rare posters, an additional outer box is used to further minimize the risk of damage.
A Nightmare On Elm Street 1986 Movie Japan Original Promo Poster B2 20x28in

NECA Nightmare on Elm Street Figure Freddy Krueger SDCC 2014 8 Doll NEW ORIGINAL PACKAGING RARE

NECA Nightmare on Elm Street Figure Freddy Krueger SDCC 2014 8 Doll NEW ORIGINAL PACKAGING RARE
NECA Nightmare on Elm Street Figure Freddy Krueger SDCC 2014 8 Doll NEW ORIGINAL PACKAGING RARE
NECA Nightmare on Elm Street Figure Freddy Krueger SDCC 2014 8 Doll NEW ORIGINAL PACKAGING RARE
NECA Nightmare on Elm Street Figure Freddy Krueger SDCC 2014 8 Doll NEW ORIGINAL PACKAGING RARE
NECA Nightmare on Elm Street Figure Freddy Krueger SDCC 2014 8 Doll NEW ORIGINAL PACKAGING RARE
NECA Nightmare on Elm Street Figure Freddy Krueger SDCC 2014 8 Doll NEW ORIGINAL PACKAGING RARE
NECA Nightmare on Elm Street Figure Freddy Krueger SDCC 2014 8 Doll NEW ORIGINAL PACKAGING RARE
NECA Nightmare on Elm Street Figure Freddy Krueger SDCC 2014 8 Doll NEW ORIGINAL PACKAGING RARE
NECA Nightmare on Elm Street Figure Freddy Krueger SDCC 2014 8 Doll NEW ORIGINAL PACKAGING RARE

NECA Nightmare on Elm Street Figure Freddy Krueger SDCC 2014 8 Doll NEW ORIGINAL PACKAGING RARE
Für den Versand ins Ausland bitte anfragen! A Nightmare on Elm Street – 8 Inch Retro Doll. Aus Teil 5 The Dream Child. Exclusive SDCC 2014 San Diego Comic Con 2014. Die Figur misst ca. 20 cm und ist toll verarbeitet mit vielen kleinen Details Der Freddy ist voll beweglich und der Black & White paint-job von Neca ist auch super. Er trägt Stoff Kleidung, seinen Handschuh und sein Hut darf natürlich auch nicht fehlen ;- Hersteller: Neca Lizenz: New Line Cinema Exclusive: SDCC 2014 Import: heo GmbH EAN Nummer: 6 34482 14609 5 Herstellernummer: 367N042814. NECA ist allen Sammlern ein Begriff und steht für. “National Entertainment Collectibles Association”. Und ist eine der größten Manufakturen mit den Lizenzrechten für Merchandise überhaupt. Angeboten wird eine unglaubliche Auswahl an Produkten deren Grundlage die Lizenzen von Filmen, TV Shows, Videospielen, Comics und andere bekannte Medien ist. Hier ein kleiner Auszug: Alien, Predator, Freitag der 13te, Gremlins, Godzilla, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Halo, Marvel, DC uvm.. Auf Grund der tollen Arbeiten und geringen Auflagen, sind die Figuren oder Fanartikel sehr gefragt, schnell ausverkauft und danach nur noch schwer zu bekommen. Der Artikel ist Neu und OVP – Siehe Fotos. Der Artikel befindet sich in einem guten – sehr guten Zustand – Siehe Fotos. (Nach meinem persönlichen, subjektiven Empfinden) Auf der Rückseite der OVP befindet sich der Import-Sticker – Siehe Foto 7 (Kann bei Bedarf rückstandslos entfernt werden) Die Ecken auf der Front des Blisters sind leicht angeraut – Siehe Foto 8 & 9 (Ist bei diesen Verpackungen schon fast standard). Die kleine Lego Iron Man Figur von Foto 1 ist nicht Bestandteil dieses Angebotes und dient ausschließlich als Maßstab ;. Für Kinder unter 3 Jahren nicht geeignet, da Kleinteile verschluckt werden können! Altersempfehlung des Herstellers: Ab 17 Jahren. Mehrwertsteuer kann nicht ausgewiesen werden – Differenzbesteuert nach § 25 a UStG. Unsere Preise werden in regelmäßigen Abständen dem aktuellen Marktwert angepasst. Es handelt sich in erster Linie um ein Sammelobjekt für Erwachsene und kein Spielzeug! Also ein: Adult Collectible. Bei original verpackten oder versiegelten Artikeln, kann nach öffnen dieser, keine Rückgabe mehr erfolgen. Durch das Öffnen der Verpackung erfolgt ein immenser Wertverlust; der Artikel ist dann nicht mehr neu sondern gebraucht! Ich kann bei original verpackten oder versiegelten Artikeln, zu keiner Zeit eine Garantie für die Beschaffenheit der Produkte im inneren übernehmen, sollten diese nach Entnahme zu Schaden kommen! Die genannten Marken in diesem Angebot dienen nicht der Unterstützung. Die Warenzeichen sowie genannte Marken in diesem Angebot dienen ausschließlich der. Eindeutigen Identifikation des Produktes! Es soll keine Verletzung der Schutzrechte darstellen. Ebenfalls gilt dies für die Nutzung von evtl. Weiteren Marken, Warenzeichen & TM (Trade Marks). Welche hier genannt werden! Auch diese dienen ausschleßlich. Der eindeutigen Identifikation des Artikels. Und sollen keine Verletzung der Schutzrechte darstellen. Versand: Kostenloser, versicherter Versand mit Sendungsnummer innerhalb Deutschlands / Versand ins Ausland auf Anfrage. Bitte entnehmen Sie die Rücknahmebedingungen der in den AGB’s angegebenen Widerrufsbelehrung, sollten Sie sich zur Rückgabe innerhalb des Widerrufsrechts entschließen. Bitte geben Sie den Versand innerhalb der Kaufabwicklung an.
NECA Nightmare on Elm Street Figure Freddy Krueger SDCC 2014 8 Doll NEW ORIGINAL PACKAGING RARE

A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 Original UK Quad Movie Film Cinema Poster 1988 VGC

A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 Original UK Quad Movie Film Cinema Poster 1988 VGC
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 Original UK Quad Movie Film Cinema Poster 1988 VGC
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 Original UK Quad Movie Film Cinema Poster 1988 VGC
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 Original UK Quad Movie Film Cinema Poster 1988 VGC
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 Original UK Quad Movie Film Cinema Poster 1988 VGC
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 Original UK Quad Movie Film Cinema Poster 1988 VGC
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 Original UK Quad Movie Film Cinema Poster 1988 VGC
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 Original UK Quad Movie Film Cinema Poster 1988 VGC
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 Original UK Quad Movie Film Cinema Poster 1988 VGC

A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 Original UK Quad Movie Film Cinema Poster 1988 VGC
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 Original UK Quad Movie Film Cinema Poster 1988 VGC. Item has been displayed previously as you’d expect, but has been carefully taken down and rolled up when it finished its run in the cinema, and is still in fantastic condition nearly 30 years later. Has some very minor wear and creases mainly around the edges, but nothing too drastic, and overall still in great condition for its age. Poster measures the same as other quad movie posters, at roughly 40″ x 30″, or 101cm x 76cm. Please study the pictures carefully to make sure you are satisfied before purchasing, and if you have any other questions, or need any other pictures, please feel free to ask and I’ll try my best to help out!
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 Original UK Quad Movie Film Cinema Poster 1988 VGC

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 Dreem Warriors 1988 Movie Japan Original Poster B2

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 Dreem Warriors 1988 Movie Japan Original Poster B2
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 Dreem Warriors 1988 Movie Japan Original Poster B2
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 Dreem Warriors 1988 Movie Japan Original Poster B2
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 Dreem Warriors 1988 Movie Japan Original Poster B2
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 Dreem Warriors 1988 Movie Japan Original Poster B2

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 Dreem Warriors 1988 Movie Japan Original Poster B2
About Condition Rank? There is little damage or feel of use. No noticeable scratches or stains. It feels used and has some damage. It feels used and has a lot of damage. Condition Comment? This is a used item, not dead stock, so please be aware of this before purchasing. It has been used in stores or private homes. There are minor wrinkles around the edges. There are some creases from long-term storage. There are storage stains on the back. About this Item? A promotional poster created by the distributor for the film’s theatrical release in Japan in 1988. Details of the film. Year of production: 1987. The third installment in the. A Nightmare on Elm Street. Series, featuring the murderous Freddy Krueger who haunts the dreams of young people. Produced by Robert Shaye and directed by Chuck Russell, the film’s screenplay was written by Wes Craven, Bruce Wagner, Chuck Russell, and Frank Darabont. Cinematography was handled by Roy H. Wagner, with music composed by Angelo Badalamenti. The cast includes Heather Langenkamp, Robert Englund, and others. In reality, the package is progressing, but due to these system issues, the status does not change. The rolled poster is placed in an OPP bag. The sides of the rolled poster are protected with cushioning material to prevent wrinkles or damage. The poster is placed in a sturdy cardboard tube. While the standard tube thickness is 1mm, we use tubes that are 2mm thick. Square cardboard boxes can be crushed when stacked or mishandled by couriers, but the cardboard tube we use ensures proper protection. For valuable or rare posters, an additional outer box is used to further minimize the risk of damage.
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 Dreem Warriors 1988 Movie Japan Original Poster B2

A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 1984 Vintage French Original Movie Poster 60x80cm

A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 1984 Vintage French Original Movie Poster 60x80cm
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 1984 Vintage French Original Movie Poster 60x80cm
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 1984 Vintage French Original Movie Poster 60x80cm
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 1984 Vintage French Original Movie Poster 60x80cm
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 1984 Vintage French Original Movie Poster 60x80cm
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 1984 Vintage French Original Movie Poster 60x80cm
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 1984 Vintage French Original Movie Poster 60x80cm
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 1984 Vintage French Original Movie Poster 60x80cm

A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 1984 Vintage French Original Movie Poster 60x80cm
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 1984 Vintage French Original Movie Poster. Called “Les Griffes de la nuit” in France. Starring Johnny Depp and Heather Langenkamp. Music composed by Charles Bernstein. Printed in France by S. Designed and signed by Raffin by Spadem. 23,62″x31,49″. No holes, no tears, no stains. Take a good look at every picture. It will be sent folded in a secure package. We answer to all questions and can send you additional photos. Such actions are against the international laws.
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 1984 Vintage French Original Movie Poster 60x80cm

A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 2 Freddy’s Revenge Original 1986 One Sheet Movie Poste

A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 2 Freddy's Revenge Original 1986 One Sheet Movie Poste

A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 2 Freddy's Revenge Original 1986 One Sheet Movie Poste
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 2 Freddy’s Revenge Original 1986 One Sheet Movie Poster. Kim Myers, Mark Patton, Hope Lange, Melinda O. A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge. Production Team: New Line Cinema, Heron Communications, Smart Egg Pictures. Printer/Distributor: Seven Keys Australia. Condition: Fine-VF (see images and our grading scale below). Format: Rolled (as issued) unused Australian Single-sided One-Sheet 23″ x 36″. Film Release Date: 1985 U. 450 grams (including packaging). This is not a reprint or reproduction poster, it is a genuine original 1986 Australian theatre release movie poster as distributed in Australia by Seven Keys. All items are sent standard with tracking (registered post, express post, and extra cover is available upon request), and are either rolled in bubble wrap and packed in a very sturdy round end-plugged mailing tube, or folded into their original folds and placed into a protective sleeve and carefully flat packed into a large stiff mailing folder with backing board for extra protection during transit. All images of the actual item for sale and are photographed under natural lighting (where possible) and have not been digitally doctored. We do not use stock photos so what you see is what you get. A new family moves into the house on Elm Street, and before long, the kids are again having nightmares about deceased child murderer Freddy Krueger. This time, Freddy attempts to cause havoc in the real world, and can only be overcome if the kids can master their fear.. How Our Posters Are Graded. All images of the posters are of the actual poster for sale so what you see is what you get, we do not use stock photos. Almost Mint: Unused with no flaws. Generally unused with the original folds or rolled. There may be some slight minor edge wear due to storage and, possible signs of minor ageing but no significant flaws. These have the usual folds or are rolled posters possibly with pinholes, very light blue tack stain spots, minor edge or fold wear, minor splits or tears, and unobtrusive stains but no paper loss. Has possible staining, pinholes, minor paper lifts in corners, small tears (possibly taped on reverse) slight fold separations, minor paper loss, and possible blue tack stain spots, and edge wear but still good enough to frame. There will be a combination of tears, paper loss, staining, pinholes and blue tack stains but because of the rarity of the poster, worth linen backing. About Australian Movie Posters. Australian One Sheet movie posters are 27″ x 40″ not 27″ x 41″ like their American counter parts and can vary an inch in length dependent on the printers used to produce them. Modern American posters are now also 27″ x 40″ but modern posters can also vary by ½” to 1″ dependent on the printer used. Australian printers were under licence to produce the posters as they saw fit for Australian audiences and many artists did different variations to the American one-sheets. The artists would generally use US poster art or press book images for their inspiration and they would either trace or use their own imagination or a combination of both to come up with a new design for the poster. Many vintage one-sheet posters were usually produced using the stone litho process which produced rich deep colours but were only printed in limited quantities. It is believed that as few as 200 one sheets were printed for films up to 1950. This explains the rarity of the Australian one sheet movie posters. The Australian one-sheet movie posters used to be issued folded but now most modern posters are issued rolled and many come directly from the distributors in America as the American one-sheets are also now 27″ 40″ but can vary slightly in length size dependent on the distributor and printer used. Many are now also double-sided for use in light boxes. More about Australian Movie Posters. The hand litho process was usually utilized for Australian daybill posters resulting in a rich texture of artwork with subtle toning that was often unique to Australia. The artists would generally use US poster art or press book images for their inspiration and they would either trace or use their own imagination or a combination of both to come up with a design for the poster. The daybill sizes varied considerably from 13″ x 30″ from the 40s to the mid-60s to 13″ x 26″ in the 80s. The Australian one-sheets were normally 27″ x 40″ as compared to the US 27″ x 41″ one-sheets. Certain firms seem to predominate during certain periods, such as W. Smith of Sydney during the 1940s and 1950s. Several other printers like F. (litho) Sydney, Royelltone Prints Pty. Printed older posters but W. Smith and Robert Burton produced most. During the 70s M. S started producing movie posters and there is an overlap where both Robert Burton and M. S printed some of the same original posters. Other printers like Brown Prior Anderson in Burwood, Victoria, Australia, also printed some of the B grade and R rated Australian posters and, some of the film distributors like Roadshow produced their own posters. It is important to note that daybills for the original release of a film often included a lesser duotone and black and white style. In many cases these are mistakenly referred to as copies or later reissues but they were generally released at the same time the full colour versions were issued so are also originals. Parcel Post with Signature. There is an option to include a signature requirement at your end but is extra. Extra cover is also available for loss or damage in transit for more valuable and delicate items. If you choose not to opt for a signature and/or extra cover, we will not be responsible for items damaged or lost in transit. The zones are generally divided up into United States and Canada, Europe, and Asia Pacific and there is a maximum weight of 20 kg. We will not be responsible for items lost or damaged in transit if this option is not taken.
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 2 Freddy's Revenge Original 1986 One Sheet Movie Poste

A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 3 1987 Original Australian daybill movie poster horror

A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 3 1987 Original Australian daybill movie poster horror

A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 3 1987 Original Australian daybill movie poster horror
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 3 1987 Starring Heather Langenkamp & Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger. Original folded Australian daybill movie poster 13 x 27.5 inches approx. Near Mint unused condition – see image. Mint > Near Mint > Very Fine > Fine > Good > Lesser. Please enquire if unsure about compatibility. I worked at the Australian Film Commission and take pride in running Back to the Flicks. Be assured that every piece of memorabilia has been diligently inspected and described.
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 3 1987 Original Australian daybill movie poster horror

NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4 Horror French Door Vintage Movie Poster Original 1988

NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4 Horror French Door Vintage Movie Poster Original 1988
NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4 Horror French Door Vintage Movie Poster Original 1988
NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4 Horror French Door Vintage Movie Poster Original 1988
NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4 Horror French Door Vintage Movie Poster Original 1988
NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4 Horror French Door Vintage Movie Poster Original 1988
NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4 Horror French Door Vintage Movie Poster Original 1988
NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4 Horror French Door Vintage Movie Poster Original 1988

NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4 Horror French Door Vintage Movie Poster Original 1988
NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4 – 1988 Robert Englund. French Door Panel Original Movie Poster. Very Good Condition / Fold. Typical Format = 60 x 160 cm Circa / 23″ x 62″ Circa. Terms & Condition = All Posters are Original / Sourced and Authenticated by Poster Expert. Certificat Of Authenticity = COA AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. FOR A PERFECT FIT. PLEASE WAIT UNTIL YOU HAVE YOUR POSTER IN HANDS. YOUR FRAMEWORKER WILL BE ABLE TO ADJUST YOUR ORIGINAL POSTER BEST!
NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4 Horror French Door Vintage Movie Poster Original 1988